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Your POWER – Your Brand

Your POWER - Your Brand - Brand

Your POWER – Your Brand

By: Ivette Mayo

Your POWER in the marketplace comes from your brand. A powerful brand goes way beyond just a logo or graphic element. Your brand represents your commitment to the marketplace, to your clients and what they can expect from you. That is POWER!  It is critical that your brand  be present at all your customer touch points such as your website, your social media, and even the way your staff answers the phone. In a corporate setting, your work will represent you even if you are not in the room. Your brand is the way you are viewed and valued.

What does your brand needs to do?

 Your brand promotes recognition.

People tend to do business with companies they are familiar with. If your branding is consistent and easy to recognize, it can help people feel more at ease to do business with you.


Your brand helps set you apart from the competition.

It is critical to stand apart from the crowd. This is how loyalty is built.


Your brand tells people about your business DNA.

Your brand tells the marketplace about the kind of company/professional that you are consistently.


Your brand provides motivation and direction for people.

A clear brand strategy provides the clarity that your staff needs to be successful. It tells them how to act, how to win, and how to meet the organization’s goals, and it allows people to have confidence in you.


Your brand generates referrals.

People love to tell others about the brands they like. People wear brands, eat brands, listen to brands, and they’re constantly telling others about the brands they love.


Your brand helps people know what to expect.

A brand that is consistent and clear puts the people at ease, because they know exactly what to expect each and every time they experience your brand.


Your brand represents you and your promise to your customer.

It is important to remember that your brand represents you. You are the brand is your promise to the marketplace. It is taught to your staff, it is always present on all your materials. It is in the quality of your work. It is everywhere.


Your brand helps you create clarity and stay focused.

A clear brand strategy helps you stay focused on your mission and vision as an organization. Your brand can help you be tactical and will guide your marketing efforts by saving time and money.


Your brand helps you connect with others emotionally.

Having a strong powerful brand helps people feel good when engaging with you, your team, or your product. This is what creates brand loyalty.

Achieving a strong brand is possible. Remember a strong brand conveys the right message to your target audience in a meaningful way. It is your identity! Can I help you create your personal brand? Or possibly review your current brand? Reach out today – ivette.mayo@yosoyiam.com

Ivette Mayo is an award winning entrepreneur, business strategist, leadership expert and author. Visit website www.ivettemayo.com Ivette is always ready to encourage, empower and support you to be POWERFUL. Follow Ivette Mayo on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Visit www.yosoyiam.com  for more information.